
Foto: Michael Voit


The workshop will take place at the

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)

in Potsdam, Germany.

The institute is located about 30 km from Berlin on a site with almost 100 years of history in agricultural research. Today the ATBs vision is a circular, diverse, innovative and sustainable bioeconomy produces healthy food for all, operates on the basis of renewable raw materials and facilitates the realization of One Health for humans, animals and the environment. The ATB is equipped with an efficient infrastructure for both basic and transfer-oriented research. Well-equipped research sites and facilities for biotechnological and chemical-physical conversion processes to produce materials (bio-based chemicals and biochar) and to generate energy (biogas) are used for research questions within the framework of biorefinery and cascade utilisation concepts for biomass. 

Conference rooms

The CIRCLE 'Center for Research and Communication in a Circular BioEconomy' provides a great conference infrastucture. A 330 m² dividable conference room equipped with modern technology for hybrid conferencing and another two meeting rooms as well as a 125 m² cafeteria offer space for a great conference experience.

Address and approach

Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V.

Max-Eyth-Allee 100 | 14469 Potsdam | DE
Tel. +49 (0)331 5699 0 | E-mail


Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)
Max-Eyth-Allee 100 
14469 Potsdam - Germany

Approach by car:

From the region:
A10 Berliner Ring to exit Potsdam Nord. Follow the B273 towards Potsdam (via two roundabouts and a bridge). About 100 m behind the sign Potsdam, at the fork, leave B273 and turn sharply left into Rückertstraße (not towards the center). At the next fork, turn left into Max-Eyth-Allee and follow the road to the ATB. 

From Potsdam: 
Follow B2 / B273 towards A10 Hamburg. Keep to the right at the traffic light in Bornstedt and follow the main road (Rückertstraße). At the next left turn of the main road stay continue straight forward following Rückertstraße. After another 500 m keep left into Max-Eyth-Allee until you reach ATB. 

From Berlin-Spandau: 
Follow B2 Richtung towards Potsdam. Immediately after the second bridge turn sharply right into Lerchensteig. After approx. 2 km turn right into Max-Eyth-Allee to ATB.

Note: If you use Google Maps for navigation, please enter Max-Eyth-Allee 101 as your destination address (otherwise Google Maps will lead you wrong)

Approach by public transport 

From Airport Berlin-Brandenburg BER:
Take regional railway (RB22) to Potsdam Central Station (approx. 50 min, ticket Berlin BC).
Take regional or urban railway (S-Bahn) to Berlin Central Station. Change here to S7 heading for Potsdam Central Station. (approx. 75 min, ticket Berlin ABC).

From Potsdam Central Station:
Take tram line 92 to terminus „Kirschallee“, change to bus line 692 direction „Bornim, Institut für Agrartechnik“, get off at terminus . Tram/bus frequency is every 20 minutes, running-time is approx. 35 minutes. 

Travel service of German Railways: 
Berlin Public Transport:
Potsdam Public Transport:

Informations on Potsdam city and accomodations: