Call for Abstracts

Photo: Manuel Gutjahr/ATB

Call for Abstracts

!!Deadline for submission extended!!

We invite you to submit your abstracts for the EFFoST / IFT-NPD WORKSHOP 2024 online. Please indicate your preference of either oral or poster presentation. Abstracts of presentations will be published in our publication series Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte (ISSN 0947-7314) and handed out during the conference.

To support the further use of your work, the book of abstracts will be published open access under the Creative Commons Licence CC BY. 

Deadlines & Dates

Abstract submission Sep 5, 2024
Notification of acceptance Sep 9, 2024

Your submission

Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure your submission goes the right way: 


Submit via mail

Please note: 
Abstracts will be returned to the author, if they are not using the template!


The following information are of importance for those who will give a presentation at the upcoming workshop, have alreadey submitted full papers or wish to do so.

Oral presentations

For oral presentations, please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint format with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The duration of the presentation is 20 minutes including time for discussion. 

Poster presentations

Constitutes a visual display of research projects. The Poster size is A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm) – one display board will be allocated per poster. The poster display will be an integral part of the program with dedicated times for delegates to interact with poster authors and ask questions.